Old chum, Season 3 of FX’s American Horror Story is the season of the witch. This season is filmed entirely in New Orleans, where magic can roam the historical streets. Series creator Ryan Murphy loves women, which is why they have the platform to muck about as they so please on AHS: Coven. Whether they do voodoo, who knew, they would have their sexual ways with whomever they require to fill their needs. We’ve already seen incest, questionable bestiality, and slave porn… and we’re only on Episode 4. Murphy continues to push the boundaries of everything kept in the closet. So why is all this accepted on regular cable you ask? It is women doing the horrific deeds. Female empowerment over female oppressive forces conquers on American Horror Story.
We start in the 1830s,
where socialite Madame LaLaurie (Kathy
Bates) has slaves kept down in her attic – Bates is bathing it like Bathory
– in blood. Director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
uses a lot of fisheye lenses, causing the viewer to feel entrapped with the
characters inside the frame. 300 years after the Salem witch trials, in present time, Mother
Fiona (Jessica Lange) shows up to
her daughter, Sarah Paulson’s school
for little witches, Covenwarts. Fiona, the Supreme witch and new teacher, radiates
a fatal attraction attitude, as death becomes her enemy’s fate. A grounded
young witch, Taissa Farmiga, and
Frankenboy Evan Peters have a 1996 Romeo & Juliet meet cute - the fans
of Season 1 wanted it. Gabourey Sidibe
plays Queenie, a student at Covenwarts that is far from a U.N.I.T.Y. character,
but she keeps it hood, so we’re good. We haven’t seen much of veteran badass Francis Conroy yet, but we know she’s
serving Run Lola Run/Carrot Top hair.
I find myself shouting “Emmy!” at the TV after every witchy one liner so much
that I feel like it’s the playoffs.
There are so many actresses that can hold their own this season that they might just need to have a Street Fighter ending because you definitely cannot choose just which witch to love. There is no doubt that this season will be classified as revenge horror. Equipped with a ‘70s horror/Stevie Nicks soundtrack, American Horror Story: Coven is already proving to be one of the best runs on TV this year. Come out of the closet this fall with Coven. Everybody’s doing it.
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