In 2017 the Moon had been destroyed, and Earth attacked, nearly wiped out completely, by aliens known as Scavs. Oblivion takes place in the year 2077, where two of the few humans left on the planet - Jack Harper ( Tom Cruise ) and Victoria ( Andrea Riseborough , the British girl with the side-swiped futuristic 'do and crooked teeth) - work as an effective team of security and drone maintenance, their memories of a past Earth wiped. Director Joseph Kosinski ( TRON: Legacy ) adapted the sci-fi based on his own unpublished graphic novel of the same name. Jack Harper's place of salvation is a lake house which is somehow still intact after the destruction of all Earth surfaces. In this solace, Jack pulls out his New York Yankees ball cap, dons a flannel shirt, and pops on the vinyl - it is all very heavy handed. There are ways to portray the notion that Earth is severely missed sans the hyper-American "artifacts." Nearing t...