Wes Anderson ( The Royal Tenenbaums , Rushmore ) is an auteur. His color scheme is achieved by only him. His supreme attention to detail is frequently attempted, unmatched, and appears overworked to the spectator eye. Anderson's distinct style is present yet again in his latest, Moonrise Kingdom . There's a boy scout camp run by the diligent Edward Norton ( American History X , Fight Club ), who has his young troupes prepared for the absolute worst - a tree house built far too high for scout safety. A misunderstood boy scout played by newcomer Jared Gilman , in his first screen role, escapes the camp which then sets off a search party. Wes Anderson veteran Bill Murray takes part in the perfect comic timing achieved throughout the film, as well as the always entertaining Frances McDormand ( Fargo , Burn After Reading ), and Bruce Willis (with hair). The resourceful scout has left to meet a like-minded girl who shares his idiosyncratic ways. These two kids have more substan...